Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Facebook, Twitter and Buzz button

Add this HTML code in your website and customize the options ie: Your Site Name ( and Image path (

<div class="excerpt_subheader_right">
<li id="fb-like" class="snap_nopreview fb-like-button">
<iframe src=";layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=80;&amp;action=like&amp;font&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=25" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:80px; height:25px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
<li class="google-buzz-button"> <a title="Post on Google Buzz" class="google-buzz-button" href="" data-button-style="small-count" data-url="YOUR+WEB+SITE+LINK" data-imageurl="YOUR+WEB+SITE+IMAGE"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<li style="padding-right: 0pt; margin-top: -1px;">
<script type="text/javascript">
tweetmeme_url = 'YOUR+WEB+SITE+LINK';
tweetmeme_style = 'compact';
tweetmeme_source = 'SuperTec';
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Copy this CSS and paste in same file where you add HTML code

.excerpt_subheader_right ul li
.post_subheader_right, .excerpt_subheader_right
padding:0 0 0 10px;
li, ul
list-style:none outside none;

Live Example

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Virtual Phone Line publish new Package for Reseller via SMS

Virtual Phone Line publish new package for Reseller via SMS just in $10.
Send one sms and create account on Virtual Phone Line add $10 in account, allocate a 1567 did to the user and forward to desired number on PSTN (Land Line or Mobile).
Click Here to see the details.

Method For Package 1 cost $10

Example: <6 Digit Reseller ID><space><Operation Code ie:"ADF","CCF"><space><Ring To>. and send the message on +447937900030 if your id will match then we will send you details.

Create New message
i6dfC4 PKG1 442332454353
send to +447937900030.

Return: Create user account add $10 fund to that account, allocate DID and forward this number on PSTN number which you give in this message.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Virtual Phone Line Reseller activities via SMS

Virtual Phone Line launch a new method for reseller where reseller can create user, add funds, purchase DID and add talk time via sms no need of internet just create new message and start your business.
Click Here for complete documentation.

Method For Creating User under Reseller

Example: <6 Digit Reseller ID><space><Operation Code ie:"ADF","CCF"> and send the message on +447937900030 if your id will match then we will send you details.

Create New message
i6dfC4 CUR
send to +447937900030.
Method For Assiging DID to user with forwarding settings

Example: <6 Digit Reseller ID><space><Operation Code ie:"ADF","CCF"><space><Member><space><country code> and send the message on+447937900030 if your id will match then we will send you details.

Create New message
i6dfC4 DID 435324 1
send to +447937900030.
Method For Adding Funds to user account

Example: <6 Digit Reseller ID><space><Operation Code ie:"ADF","CCF"><space><Member ID><space><amount>. and send the message on+447937900030 if your id will match then we will send you details.

Create New message
i6dfC4 ADF 345354 10
send to +447937900030.
Method For adding talktime to user account

Example: <6 Digit Reseller ID><space><Operation Code ie:"ADF","CCF"><space><Member ID><space><amount>. and send the message on+447937900030 if your id will match then we will send you details.

Create New message
i6dfC4 ATT 323342
send to +447937900030.
Method For changing forwarding settings (ringto) for DID number

Example: <6 Digit Reseller ID><space><Operation Code ie:"ADF","CCF"><space><DID Number><space><Ring To>. and send the message on+447937900030 if your id will match then we will send you details.

Create New message
i6dfC4 CCF 15673355343 91324458356
send to +447937900030.

English Version

Urdu Version

Monday, August 2, 2010

Supertec cards software is an easy way to manage your business cards stack

After every conference and seminar companies staff ends up with
hundreds of leads and cards, which are potential customers. The card
software allows you to share these cards with your entire company
teams, convert the cards into text and add data accordingly, find the
person on linkedin, facebook, twitter for you,  make company url auto
open on a click, sends an auto email to the person to verify and
update there information via plaxo , do a google search on them, adds
photo of the person from facebook to your cards database, share these
contacts in your google and ovi contacts.