DIDX is a registered and patented service of Super Technologies Inc.
In 2005, Super Technologies, Inc. noted the popularity of Virtual Phone Lines among its international and USA clients. Our company wanted to share the benefits with global providers of our dozen interconnects with international operators and carriers for DID and DDI. Thus, DIDX was created, an invention by Rehan Ahmed, the company CEO, President, and co-founder.
DIDX creates a huge and new vertical market for CLECs, ILECs and local regional telecoms and voip companies to sell their DID on the wholesale level. Normally, DID (phone numbers) are idle (not sold, like wasted inventory). DIDX helps “sellers” make them available to be sold anywhere on Earth, with the blessing of the Internet, creating an a new revenue stream for the hundreds of “sellers” and also for the thousands of wholesale “buyers” who buy and resell.
DIDX shares a new and lucrative Vertical Market. Even a small CLEC from Iowa can sell numbers to a small ITSP from New Zealand, for example. Both benefit greatly in revenue and market expansion. In addition, the DIDX sellers make money not just from the DID rental but also from the APC charges that the other CLEC pays to complete calls. Read More about how to make money from APC.
DIDX empowers “sellers” to sell their DID numbers and “buyers” to buy DID numbers and resell to their end-users with the DIDX billing and control platform. DIDX provides the necessary billing software where we invoice the wholesale “buyer” customer on DIDX. In addition, the “sellers” and “buyers” see the same CDRs so there is no question on billing.
As of May 2010, over 17,000 wholesale level buyers in 170 countries use DIDX to select and buy the DID numbers from 70 nations of a large pool of DID “sellers.” DIDX simplifies the buy/sell process to be a success for all. Plus DIDX offers free publicity and marketing tools to its members that include podcasts, press releases, product reviews, customer testimonials, videos, and more for publication about each of their companies.
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